Wednesday, June 18, 2014

                          Another Wordless Wednesday...

                                                   Now that's one handful of feline!

Have a great Wednesday!
Noodle and crew


  1. Our human says we might as well be that size and be that wild anytime she has to do something with (to) us. :-P

  2. Wow and a smacky paw is not what you want. Have a wonderful Wednesday Noodle.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. I know my mom wouldn't play with those toes!

    I missed Noodle Day! I hope you had a happy one!

  4. N de kitteh at de left corner iz sayin...dood...eye toll ewe ta lay off eatin sew manee harez....look at cha...gained weight huh !!

    heerz two an Antarctic cod kinda week oh end !!
