Friday, April 26, 2024



Yesterday the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for the immunity case.

lawyers and even SCOTUS judges 
along with my hero Rachael Maddow 
Used these words in reference to what giving Donald Trump immunity. 
might mean. 
Theoretically, hypothetically...
He could kill someone. 
He could stage a coup.
He could sell secrets to other countries. 
is there any one on the planet who doesn't think he's done all of the above?

What would he do if he couldn't be held accountable? 

 Have a super weekend!

Noodle and crew.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Better off???...


Are you?

Better off than you were 4 years ago?


Want a refresher course?

Okay, let's see...

Four years ago, it was April 24th, 2020

Hear are some of the headlines of the day.:

There is too much talk about hate and revenge.

There are too many people threatening civility with guns and hate.

There are too many death threats floating around.

There is too much anger left unchecked.

Will it really take someone to be killed or injured for us to take a breath and stop the hate filled  rhetoric?

Hasn't the pandemic done enough damage?

Are we now really only gladiators in a battle for humanity?

Are we as a civilization now so consumed with our own personal vengeance and vitriol that we will literally cut off our nose to spite our face?  

We would be wise to remember this parable...

Ironically, this post was written 4 years ago!

It feels like we are worse off now than then to me...

Alot worse off!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Noodle and crew


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Thoughts on Sunday...


Sticky paws and hairy hairballs to conspiracy theories:

A few weeks ago there was a total eclipse. 

and according to MTG (Margery Taylor Green) it's either the astronomical sighting of the decade or it
is the apocalypse.

According to MTG and other members of congress and the republicans who have said God is angry and that was the reason for the earthquake on the east coast and the solar eclipse... 

it's all Joe Biden and the dems

but that's nothing new is it?...

Remember, Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi?

How about  Pizza Gate

or 9/11?

 A big kitty kiss to Mike Johnson for at least getting a bill to the floor (seriously, how low can the bar get?) 

*added on Saturday.:  he also got the bill through and it was passed in the Senate 

A sticky paw to Joe Biden for not showing bravery in the Israil/ Gaza situation. He needs to be firm and not send more money to Israel unless there is a cease fire., NOW! 

A big sticky paw to Kari Lake for suggesting her followers "strap on their Glocks.!".

 A hug hairy hairball to Tom Cotten, because he's Tom Cotten, need we say anything more?

A sticky paw to Chris Sununu for flip flopping all over the place! Hés against Trump and supporting Nikki Haley or he's supporting Trump...

Like I've said before, friking pick a lane!

A big kitty kiss to us, as we have weathered the first week of the first Trump trial!

Wow! Not very many kitty kisses and fuzzy hugs huh?

Well, there is always next week...

Have a fabulous Sunday!

Noodle and crew

Saturday, April 20, 2024



One of my "crew" wrote this.

We thought we'd share...

I’m lying in bed, sweat pouring from my face. My stomach is at peace for the moment but I know that it will become restless once again and I will be perched over the toilet puking my guts out.

Two days ago, I drove seven hours from the north to get here to Swakopmund on the Namibian coast. I’ve been sick ever since.

This is my first trip to Africa.

This is my first trip alone.

Everything up until now has gone incredibly well.

I have been on an adventure beyond any stretch of my imagination or expectations.

I keep reminding myself of this as I continue to throw up.

I have only allowed myself three days in Swakopmund.

I have come to visit the giant sand dunes of the oldest desert in the world.

This is day two and at this rate my chances are looking pretty slim.

The chills and churning in my stomach consume me once again.

I am dehydrated, weak and dizzy.

I want to go home.

I have been gone a long time.

I want to cry.

I want a hug.

I want someone to fuss over me.

I feel like shit!

Maybe It’s stupidity.

Maybe I’m delirious.

Probably it’s just that I’m that stubborn, but no matter how bad I feel or how much I want to leave, I have to see the dunes.

I’ve come to far. I’m too close now.

I’ve figured out that I have about thirty minutes after throwing up, before the churning in my stomach will begin again, I timed it.

I’ll be ready next time.

Soon my head is once again dangling over the toilet bowl.

I walk zombie like out of the bathroom and fall on the bed.

Eventually I am able to inch my body to where I can reach the phone.

With a shaky voice and trembling hands, I call the front desk and arrange for a guide to take me out to the desert tomorrow afternoon.

I awake the next day blurry and groggy staring at the ceiling.

Okay, how bad do I feel? I wait.

Twenty minutes.

Half an hour.

Should I move?

Twenty more minutes go by.

My stomach, although sore, seems to be more stable for the moment.

I take a giant leap of faith and sit up.

Fifteen minutes go by and no urge to “up-chuck”.

My legs hang rubbery and limp over the side of the bed.

I keep telling myself what will forever become my travel mantra, “baby steps”.

Eventually I am actually standing.

Swaying back and forth, I try to decide whether or not to take a step as I wait for the nausea to hit once again…it doesn’t.

I am excited at this revelation; too bad my body isn’t in-sync.

I try so hard to stand up that I twist myself into a knot and fall flat on my face.

My mind is willing, my body isn’t the least bit interested.

Slowly I make my way to the bathroom. Everything is spinning and very bright.

I have six hours to get ready. I will need them all.

I don’t really remember much over the next few hours.

I know I have been moving very slowly and, on several occasions, have found myself just standing in one spot not really sure why or for how long.

Somehow, I have managed to get dressed. I have a vague sense that I must have combed my hair and brushed my teeth at some point.

The phone rings. The time has come to summon forth all that is within me and make my way down the three flights of stairs to the lobby to meet my guide.

I hope I don’t have my clothes on inside out, “baby steps”.

I make it to the lobby.

A tall blond man in the cliché khaki shirt and shorts along with brown hiking boots that all guides in Africa seem to wear greets me with a thick South African accent and broad smile, which disappears upon his closer scrutiny.

Do I look that bad?

Just as quickly he announces, ”we are off to the dunes”!

We are riding in what must be the first Land Rover ever built, it has nothing even resembling shock absorbers.

I can feel even the tiniest pebble in the road.

A kind of Princess and the Pea goes mobile.

Every once in a while, the guide says something and then looks at me with a smile awaiting a reply.

I hope he won’t be too offended if I throw up on him.

After several hours, we turn off the main road and are surrounded by the desert.

Here in the midst of its vastness, I have totally forgotten about my stomach.

It is mid afternoon and the sun is shifting, the dunes sparkle and the breeze blows the sand which hovers just above the surface.

The Rover stops and we get out.

I don’t know how long we have walked or how far.

I have all the energy in the world right now.

It’s like there is a healing force emanating from the ancient sands below my feet radiating into my soul.

The desert transfixes me.

I stand and stare in amazement at its beauty.

It is so tranquil and peaceful here.

I feel so small and humble.

It is time to head back to the hotel.

The sun is slowly sinking and as I watch, the horizon is transformed into liquid fire dancing on the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

It is an incredible sight.

I climb the stairs to my little room on the third floor.

I look around the place where only hours before I was sick and weak, and I feel more alive than I ever have before.

Have a super Sunday!

Noodle and crew

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Noodle and crew

PS: Please read our post from Monday...



Donald Trump is over...

his base saw him sitting in a court room having to behave himself and not able to rant and bluster his way around issues about him that were being presented.

And I guarantee you his base was not amused.

Today on day 1 Donald Trump was at a table in a court room looking tired and weak and his admirers saw that, you couldn't escape it.

His base always hears how strong he is and he goes on and on about how no one can tell him what to do. After all he is the Messiah.

And Jesus wouldn't have ever ended up in that court room on trial.

So, my prediction is he's toast right now.

It doesn't matter whether he is found guilty or not, he sat there in court like anybody else!

It would be a mistake to put him in jail at this point.

It would rile up his base and followers even more.

Just keep showing him at that table, an average guy being prosecuted, and he will be so very irrelevant yes, as of right now!

Well, that's our little opinion. Make of it what you will...

Have a wonderful week!

Noodle and crew

Monday, April 15, 2024

Its over...



Donald Trump is over...

his base saw him sitting in a court room having to behave himself and not able to rant and bluster his way around issues about him that were being presented.

And I guarantee you his base was not amused.

Today on day 1 Donald Trump was at a table in a court room looking tired and weak and his admirers saw that, you couldn't escape it.

His base always hears how strong he is and he goes on and on about how no one can tell him what to do. After all he is the Messiah.

And Jesus wouldn't have ever ended up in that court room on trial.

So, my prediction is he's toast right now.

It doesn't matter whether he is found guilty or not, he sat there in court like anybody else!

It would be a mistake to put him in jail at this point.

It would rile up his base and followers even more.

Just keep showing him at that table, an average guy being prosecuted, and he will be so very irrelevant yes, as of right now!

Well, that's our little opinion. Make of it what you will...

Have a wonderful week!

Noodle and crew

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Kitty kisses and sticky paws...



A big sticky paw to Donald Trump for filing 3 appeals in 3 days.

Next, a big hairball to the Gerald Ford Foundation for giving Liz Cheeney an award and then rescinding it due to Repub pressure.

A big kitty kiss to Nancy Pelosi for her wonderful statement " we came here to do a job not keep a job"

And a big sticky paw to Mike Johnson for meeting with Donald Trump at Mar a Lago to discuss "election integrity" Really!?

And lastly: A big fuzzy hug to bunnies:

In 1807 Napoleon was on a rabbit hunt to celebrate the signing of the treaty of Tilsit the rabbits were hungry and attacked the hunting party..

Have a great Sunday!

Noodle and crew   



Saturday, April 6, 2024

I guess you can yell fire....


Donald Trump seems to get away with everything!

Why is that?

I guess you can yell fire in a crowded theater and get away with it...

But why Trump?

Some say there is a different standard for the rich, ok but he's not really rich, so...


we can't blame the repubs and Trump when we seem to be letting them get away with all they are doing!

it's easy to point fingers and moan about things not going our way but, we are also to blame.

we have to hold ANYONE who breaks the law, threatens our democracy and everything in between accountable. 

that is the main reason we are saying and will keep saying:


We are not telling you who to vote for we are just saying VOTE!



it's all we really have in the end.

It's up to us...

Have a super Sunday!

Noodle and crew

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

First post...


The very first Noodle post is a click away.!

I can't believe we have been doing this for that long!

Noodle and crew.


Saturday, March 30, 2024

the good book?


Donald Trump is selling bibles. and according to the press he's doing it on Holy Week. 

I don't know that there is anything else to say!

Hés done this. before you know...

Hes also and more horrifyingly compared himself to Jesus.


Anyway, we think you should keep an eye on Nikki Halley we don't think she's out of the picture just yet.

And speaking of the Bible, have you noticed the Exodus of republicans from congress?  

So, that's where we are...

Have a super wonderful Easter Sunday...

Noodle and crew.

Saturday, March 23, 2024



I hadn't thought about him for months.

But during the Spring and Summer the windows tended to be open we'd hear him every night just at dusk.

One minute of thumpity like music.

Always the same melody, always the same duration of time.

Then the Fall and Winter took over and there was the wind and the rain 

the closing of the windows making it hard to hear anything outside.

But, in the last week it had been unseasonably warm (but there is no such thing as climate change!) 

So, the windows were open a smidge. 

I was sitting on the windowsill, watching the world go by when all of a sudden, I heard it.

It had completely slipped my mind in the following months but now there it was.

I listened the next day...

and there he was again!

The guy playing it had been something called a fighter piolet. During something called the Korean War 

in something called the Army.

That's, where he had learned to play Taps. 

You know me...

I had to investigate Taps 

Isn't it amazing how 24 perfect little notes can dramatically affect someone's life?

life, death

joy, pain,

hope, despair.

9 days later I was sitting in the window and heard him.

Then I heard another person yell " thank you "

I wasn't sure why but I felt all warm and fuzzy inside.

After all this, I remembered something Joe Biden said in his State Of The Union address,

he said, "You can't only love your country when you win!")

It's something we seem to have forgotten.

Something so basic and so honorable.

We have become so divided and so self-serving and spoiled.

We don't vote but we wine and cry and bi*** and moan that things are a mess.

We can do better!

So, we would like to yell too.

We would like to yell " thank you" to the thumpity guy and the guy who thanked him and to all of 

those who vote and get involved.

Thank you for reminding us of who we can be.

Have a great Sunday.

Noodle and crew...


Saturday, March 16, 2024

3 no Trump...


Okay...I've never played Bridge in my life; but I just couldn't resist.

Here is a nightmare sicario for you...

Donald Trump, presidential nominee

Eric Trump, potential Vice President.

Lara Trump RNC co-chair 

Oh, wait that's no nightmare, that's real life!


Have a super Sunday...!

Noodle and crew!

Sunday, March 10, 2024

You go Joe!


The best state of the union address we've ever heard! 

Have a great Sunday!!!

Noodle and crew.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

We will return...


Happy Valintine's Day!


We are away temporarily!

We will return as soon as possible.

Please keep us in your thoughts...

Noodle and crew

Sunday, January 28, 2024



I understand following someone. 

For centuries people have followed Jesue, Budha...  

Then think back to Jim Jones. David Karesh....

But I truly do not understand.

who follows Donald Trump!?

So, that brings us to the fact that Nikki Hally has NO path.

Unless Trump dies, goes crazy, or goes to prison.

She can't win but how bad does all this make Donald Trump look?

And what will happen?

Have a wonderful Sunday Noodle 

and crew.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Pick a lane...



Here it is boys and girls...

This is now officially THE TRUMP SHOW

So, you have 2 choices.

Vote or Frikken VOTE!

So pick a lane.

If you want a strong man vote for Trump

If you want to keep[ your freedom and have a say in your life ..dont 

By all means take a look at Argentina, Libya Spain Germany........

See how that all worked for them...

But whatever you do...VOTE!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Noodle and crew!


Saturday, January 20, 2024

Friday, January 19, 2024

an addendums...


Someone said that Noodle was not very good anymore.
That the content was weak, and the spelling was bad.

That the punctuation was wrong, and the sentence structure was wrong...

We didn't think wed have to remind people that Noodle is a cat!

You know, a cat...with paws and Whiskers and stuff. 

A cat......

So, no no last post

we will keep going!

She's a CAT!

Have a great Friday!

Noodle and crew.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Hair Balls...


So... a while back we were going to do a post on Mike Pence dropping out right before he actually did.

Needless to say, we took that out right before posting.

Then we predicted Ron Desantis would drop out next...we will see.

Well, we have a new prediction...

Donald Trump will sweep March 5th Super Tuesday

And 3 additional states on March 19th and that will be it. 

Then Ramaswamy will stay in until he finds out if Trump will pick him for VP.

After that it's all Trumps show.

Excuse me while I cough up a hair ball or two.

Have a great Sunday!

Noodle and crew


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The big lie...

"I will build a great wall."

Have you seen Donald Trump's wall? 

Probably not as there is no wall with the exception of about 50 miles!

Now he says he will demolish Obama Care 

and replace it with something ever so much better. 

and he just assumes we will believe it

Will someone please tell me why so many of us do?

Nikki Haily says she's a moderate.

Ron De Santoi's:

well the lifts in his boots alone are a lie...

But the biggest lie of all is
that they want to make America great again!


They want to make America 1930 again.

Have a super-duper Wednesday! 
Noodle and crew

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Wordless Wednesday......


Well, here we go...

There are now only 3 candidates.

who will be appearing at the Republican debate.



De Santis

With Trump not showing up, as expected,

Nikki will only be debating Ron!

Interesting, no?

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Noodle and crew