Saturday, April 18, 2015

It's Time For More Of Noodle's Sticky Paws and Hairballs vs. Fuzzy Hugs and Kitty Kisses...

We love it when we get to give Fuzzy hugs and Kitty Kisses to local deserving individuals and organizations! So it is with great Seattle pride that we are giving a great big kitty kiss and super huge fuzzy hug to CEO Dan Price of Gravity Payments
 Mr. Price announced that his company will be raising workers annual wages to
 $70,000.00 per year! You heard me right... acts like this give us hope that inevitably humanity will come to understand that Spock was right...the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...
We can only hope that other CEO's will follow suit.

And on the flip side...a big sticky paw to Bob Mercer the billionaire backer of Ted Cruz. Problem is he owes the IRS somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 billion dollars! Yep, billion with a B!
If you were asking; where have all our tax dollars gone? With millionaires and billionaires not paying their taxes or paying a teeny, tiny, itsy bitsy portion of said taxes my guess is they are going for fancy cars and houses and...

Next a big hairball with a side of sticky paw to Tulsa, Oklahoma fake police guy, Robert Bates who shot and killed an unarmed man allegedly by mistakenly discharging his handgun instead of his tazer neither of which I can fathom why he was carrying... but and I quote; "it's the second worst thing that's ever happened to me", Gates said which he quickly changed to the worst thing a minute later ;
Look it's a shame that Mr. Bates has had to"go through such a shocking and tragic experience". I think it's a little indignant of him to think of himself as the victim here especially when he put himself into the situation in the first place...

Lots and lots of fuzzy hugs and kitty kisses to all of those affected by the Oklahoma City bombing 20 years ago; our thoughts and prayers are with you always...

And finally a big fuzzy hug to bunny's...
we were at the pet store today and guess what? They had bunny's!

If you have ever wanted a bunny, check out their face book page or give them a call. There are bunny's just waiting for you to come and adopt them...

And last but not least...more bunny's!

Have a super Sunday!

Noodle and crew


  1. Haven't seen that cop story yet, but wow... smh... I just don't think I have enough words for that one. Or maybe just too many.

    But those bunnies are super cute!

  2. Have a serene and easy Sunday Noodle and crew.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Hooray for fuzzy hugs! Have a happy Easy Sunday Noodle!!!

  4. I must have my head in the sand, I didn't know about Bob Mercer- he sounds like a jerk. I love bunnies- I have had several over the years. I am strictly a crazy cat lady now though :)

  5. You certainly have your ear to the ground!!

  6. Lovely pics. Enjoy your Sunday!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  7. Yous look so cute Noodle. Have a pawsum dat.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  8. Wow - Dan Price is to be applauded isn't he but the other guy RRAAWWWRRRR *SpitSpitSpit* We appappreciaterecite your heads up on these things!

  9. Bunnies need love too. Thanks for sharing them.

  10. Huh?? That rich guy owes that much in taxes??? We sure hope the IRS collects it...but something tells us that won't happen.

    Cute bunny!

  11. We've never had a bunny but they sure looks sweet and loving.

    The Florida Furkids

  12. What a lovely bunny. He sure knows how to ....Selfie :D I hope he finds a furrever home soon :) Pawkisses for a great Monday :) <3

  13. noodle...whoa N bee food gurl iz def a nat lee in de wrong line oh werk, 70 K a yeer !!! ???? .....we iz tryin R hard ist rite now ta count de amount of cans oh cat food that wood buy.....we loosed count afturr 824....

