Sunday, August 9, 2015

    Sticky Paws and Hairballs vs. Fuzzy Hugs and Kitty Kisses;
                                     DEBATE, 2016...
I am all decked out in stripes and you all know I am a star so I guess I am appropriately dressed to discus the debates... 
So first, If any of you missed it ( intentionally or unintentionally) here are links to the debates;
And as hard as it is ( and believe me it's really f***ing hard! ) at this time we are holding back our  personal comments about the debates and the candidates in an attempt to be as unbiased as possible.
*That does not mean we won't be calling out candidates and others on false statements.
Over the next 14 months we will be giving you the information but in the end you and only you can decide who to vote for...
First up we are giving  a big hairy Hairball to Fox News for what seemed to be a premeditated attempt to diminish the candidates who did not make it into the top 10;

Next up a big Sticky Paw to Chris Christie for his blatantly false statements at the debate Thursday;
It was bad enough when Rudy Giuliani used September eleventh in every sentence that came out of his mouth but Chris Christie has topped him not just for his statements but for the fact that he gave away wreckage from the World Trade Center site as a way to gain political and financial favors;

And where would we be if we didn't throw in The Donald? So here's a nice Sticky Paw to Mr.Trump. Now this is how you get the women's vote;

And lastly but maybe best of all we want to give a big Fuzzy Hug to William at William of Mass Destruction;
for sending us this hysterical video of the debates set to music!

Have a super Sunday!

Noodle and crew


  1. I love your stars and stripes selfie.

  2. Mom Paula was too busy with work stuff and she missed the debates. She figures most of them are just blowing hot air anyway.

  3. We concur, and will continue to follow your comments Noodle. You should do some NYT opinion pieces, in our opinion. Just sayin'.

  4. We never understand that politician double-speak!

  5. Just saw your comment--thanks! I hope everybody gets as much of a kick out of the video as we did!

  6. Wee has herd a lot of stuff frum the USA 'bout thee people runnin fur the office an wee KNOW 'Thee Donald" iss not thee man to run such a big & luvley country Noodle!
    An in Canada there will bee an eleckshun inn Ocotburr an there are so many adss on Tee Vee bad mouthin Justin Trudeau thee Libbyral leeder! They been doin it fur months an wee feel badly fur him...hiss Pappaw was Pierre Elliot Trudeau an hee was PM back in thee 60's or 70's (when LadyMum was lotss younger...)
    LadyMum says shee will vote fur thee PAWTY shee sounds like sumfing diffycult an compleecated...
    Yur vudeoss are grate too bye thee way! ;)
    Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum

  7. My time on this earth is too short to let those a**holes into my living room. I know Christie best cos he’s my governor and he lies about everything. Lower taxes? My taxes have gone up over 50% since he took office. The creep lowers state taxes by cutting aids to cities so the local county and city taxes double. Liked the video though.

  8. Aaaaaaw gawjus Noodle weez do lluv ya', and altho' weez fink da Donald be a bit stck on hims selff we do agwee it's gunna take sum stwaight talk and not so much political cowwectness dat's gunna set us back on da wight paff. Hope yous have a gweat day.

    Luv a'

    Dezi and Lexi

  9. Seen from Switzerland, American politics is much more interesting with you ! Purrs

  10. noodle...ewe R lookin feerce in stripes !!! N we due knot haz tee vee hooked up sew we missed.......ore did debatez !! ♥♥

  11. Noodle, this is going to be a very interesting election campaign.

  12. We had a debate up here in Canada, the very same night. At least I THINK we did. Couldn't find it on any of the major networks! Had to settle for what the reporters were willing to share. MOUSES!


  13. We tried to watch the video but it was blaring and there was no adjustment except volume up/volume off for us. We don't think we can expect any truths to be spoken in a debate or on the campaign trail.A sad state of affairs for our country. :(

  14. That's such a lovely photo of you. Love the sunlight stripes from the blinds on your fur (at least we think it's blinds) :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  15. Mom cannot tolerate Trump and the debates were not watched at our house. But she did click on the link to the singing debate. Pretty good. Thanks for sharing that, and thanks for being part of our Sunday Selfies. We are always happy to see you. Keep doing a good job of keeping us informed. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. The whole republican side is in shambles. There are so many candidates, that by the time one gets picked it's going to make people reluctant to choose the candidate they didn't want.
