Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Problems, problems, problems...

So here's the thing...
As regular followers of Noodle are probably aware, we haven't posted in the past week.
Our apologies but we have just a whole lot going on right now and every time we sit down to post something else seems to crop up!
Some are big and some are just little and annoying.
We are hoping things will settle down soon and we can get back to our regular schedule.
Our latest problem is with face book they are going to close Noodle's account because she has no ID
in her name. We are appealing to the kind people at face book but we just might have no face book
in the future which leads us to having to give face book a big Sticky Paw...
We will keep you up dated.
If you would like to protest the closure of Noodle' s FB page just leave a post on the page till it's gone...  https://www.facebook.com/phil.shaw.3956/about
We would be remiss if we did not acknowledge that might not have properly followed the face book
rules and we are sorry for that but come on give a kitty a break after all it's hard doing all this with no pockets or opposable thumbs!
Hope you are having a better week than we are...
Noodle and crew


  1. They threatened to close my FB page down too. They didn't like the name Wally IslandCat...said I probably wasn't a real person...wanted me to show them proof of ID. So I had to change my name to something that was a little more "human." You can now find me on FB as Wally Doute. Maybe Noodle could do something like that? ~Wally

  2. William's FB page is classified as a personal blog, which is attached to my own account. They haven't said anything about it. Good luck with your appeal.

  3. We understand your frustration. We had to make our FB page a community page instead of an individual page.

  4. Oh, dear, we're guessing Noodle is the one with the FB profile. They do close them down! You could change it over to your human's name and share with her, Noodle. If you want to.

  5. They'll usually give you the option to change to a "realer" name or convert it to a page. There's also a phishing scam going around telling people FB will be closing their accounts. Don't give them your password.

  6. We're sorry to read this, Noodle. May you should change your last name into Sugar-mountain ? (please translate that name in German to understand the joke dear furriend ;) ) Purrs

  7. but, but you DO have a job. You're a freelance journalist! you do have a family, you do have a home, you are educated.
    What exactly do they want?
    Fill in the "about" page as interesting and creative (as all good writers are) as you can. We love you. We need more creative writers who aren't afraid to tell it like it is.

  8. Cause you have a very nice face you deserve a place on Facebook. We shall protest. Or purrtest!

  9. We have a page for The Florida Furkids and Mom has a personal page. They do seem to go through spurts of knocking our pals off FB.

    The Florida Furkids

  10. We sure hope things improve and FB deserves lots of sticky paws. We love you Noodle.

  11. I think this is just another reason why we don't do facebook.

  12. Oh sweet sweet Noodle. ME's so sorry you're havin' so many purroblems. It just ain't right what facebook tries to do to us girlies now is it. A big olr whacky paw up side their virtual head might be called fur. Mommy had no idea there were rules when she created our account, but we have girly names. But trust me, bein' a teenager on facebook comes with it's challenges too. (mommy used sis Lexi's birthdate) We don't know what those other issues are gawjus, so we's just gonna send ya'll some purrayers. Hang in there, it's gonna get better.

    Luv ya'


  13. Oh, we are so sorry it's a rough patch for you. We hope it all gets resolved soon. Pawhugs.

  14. noodle....for all de mackerull, trout, bloo gil, perch pizza pie & donutz on de planit....we due knot, & will knot haza face book page ~~~~ we R sorree stuffz goin ruff for ewe....984 paws crossed everee thing settles bak down ♥♥♥

  15. How very annoying, Noodle. No ID?? Are they controlling everyone on its ID? There is something sneaky about that FB...maybe they forgot the i.... Hope everything will work out fine at last. Good Luck Pawkisses :) <3

  16. I agree that you probably should just turn it into a "page" that is what I did with Cody and Dakota's pages. catchatwithcarenandcody

  17. I went on Facebook when it first hit town, tried to get off immediately and I did not like it at all, and I could not get off for three weeks because it gave me a long song and dance about how I should stay on, etc. So if you cannot stay on Facebook, perhaps it's a better happening than you think. But I understand networking..it's just that one can network with other tools. Hope you make peace with them so that you are happy.

  18. We arent on FB or follow anny FB... We dont even know what the "ID" thing means.

  19. That's not very fair is it? Athena doesn't have a profile on FB either but she has a page for her book A Forever Home For Athena.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  20. Hope you can keep your FB account! There are so many false pages out there and they are picking with a feline page?! Can't understand.

  21. Can you not change your timeline to a page? I have a page 'cause I'm a cat. Peep #1 has a timeline 'cause she's a peep. Apparently, the peep is not important enough to have a fan page like me. MOUSES!

