Sunday, June 16, 2024

more guns...


Yesterday there was another mass shooting. (I hate saying that!)

This time it was at a water park.

So, no movies, no Chruch, malls, oh...don't forget schools!

No concerts, no grocery stores

Maybe we should all just hunker down in our homes and stay put.

But I hear that the answer to this all is that we just need more guns 

There are currently 334.5 million guns in the United States.

There are 339.3 million people in the United States.

Thats one gun per person for every person!

From 1-day old babies to 95-year-old seniors!

But even so, SCOTUS decided that there should be no safeguards in the case of bump stocks so we can

still shoot more bullets that much faster.

Jon Stewert perfectly and with skill, brutally demolished an Oklahoma state senator on guns....

Joe Walsh and a Parkland victim's father have joined forces to address this issue and others.

Look, we are not anti-gun.

We don't want to take all guns away...


The second amendment states, "a well-armed and regulated Mallesha"....

There is NO Malisha and there are NO regulations!

So why not join the CCG association?

(Cats Carrying Guns)

So where are we?

And where the f***k are we going?

You want to own a gun?

Fine register it like your car, you're dog your washing machine. 

Have a wonderful Sunday

Happy Father's Day too...

Noodle and crew


  1. da tabbies o trout towneJune 16, 2024 at 12:10 PM

    happee dadz day two ewe N de crew noodle...thiz countree haz lost.....everee N de gurl iz sew reddy ta leeve ~~~~~~ hope ewe R well ♥♥

  2. I was astonished that this ruling happened. But thn I think American gun laws are insane (being overseas).

  3. Hello Noodle!
    It is amazing to reflect that we have as many or more guns than people in our country. The MAGA SCOTUS is not even pretending to follow the Constitution anymore; at the time the 2nd Amendment was enacted, there were LOTS of gun regulations across our country and nobody thought to invalidate them on constitutional grounds until LONG after the Founders passed away.
    Even when Congress passes a weak law against machine guns, SCOTUS invents new definitions for "machine gun" to allow bump stocks.
    We can do something about this in November, and until then, we should all do something every day to reach out to voters across our nation to make sure they go to the polls. No one can save us but ourselves!
