Saturday, December 31, 2016

Our Parting Thoughts For 2016...

Needless to say a lot has gone on this year.

It's been rough and bloody.

From massacres of civilians in Syria to terrorist attacks around the globe. Millions of displaced refugees who have fled the terror of their homes, in many cases only to be met with hostility in other countries that once held hope and promise.

Now, add to that the anger and discontentment that permeates our society like a hateful disease that just keeps spreading with no vaccine to stop it.

We are divided and we are in trouble for we can not as a nation or as a world survive, fractured and splintered.

With the added weight of a divisive election we must find a way to lift each other up no matter what our differences.

No matter what our politics, no matter what...

I am optimistic that humanity will win out in the end and we will be better for it.

But until then,
there is this... 

Have a Happy and hopeful New Year...

Noodle and crew


  1. You are more optimistic than we are. Have a Happy New Year.

  2. You know, I'm rather glad I'm over 50 now. I wouldn't want to be young again and facing the world as it is now--but perhaps every generation says that.

    We (the boys and I) wish you all a very happy new year. May you weather any storms with grace and may the scales be weighted heavily to the good by the end of 2017.

    Purrs and peace.

    P.S. I couldn't view the video, being in Canada. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country" is the message I got.

    Take care.

  3. Wise words, Noodle!

    Happy New Year!
    Athena and Marie

  4. Hari OM
    ..and Halleluia!!! Blessings for the year. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Happy New Year Noodle! I am sure all will be okay, we kitties are slowly taking over so we'll make sure of it.

  6. Happy New Year, Noodle! We love that SNL video.

  7. Noodle, we are a bit fearful as to what will befall our nation in just 20 days. Mom loves that song, and it was so touching when Kate McKinnon sang it on SNL. She sure is talented. Wishing you a blessed 2017. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. May 2017 be "The Year That Trump Learns That Reality Is Hard And Grows Into The Job"! Because otherwise, we are all in serious trouble...

  9. I wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2017!

  10. Hey Noodle, thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. I hope and pray you are right! A Happy New Year to you Noodle! xx

  12. Happy New Year! As ominous as everything else looks, we are grateful for new friends and those that understand our love of animals.

  13. I am praying that 2017 is going to be a much better year. I believe that their are far more loving and caring humans than the bad. We just can't let the bad win. Have a wonderful New Year!

  14. We are hopeful for a good 2017, but we just don't know, Noodle....purrs....

  15. thank god for cats! A good cuddle with a cat always makes you feel good! Happy New Year Noodle!!

  16. Aaaaaaaaaaw Noodle, we will always luv you. We purray you have da bestest 2017 ever. Big hugs to all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  17. Yes, I feel the same. There is a wonderful article about Rutland, VT, a city that is accepting immigrants because the city is dying and immigrants bring prosperity and growth to every place they are accepted and in which they are willing to work. Interesting. I'll put it in the blog.

  18. Purrz fur a better Mew Year - if that am pawsible at least on a smaller scale among us kitty bloggers. -Katie Kitty Too

  19. Hallelujah 2016 is over. We hope 2017 goes better for all of us!

  20. whitefish waves frum uz… & copee & paste…. anda happee new yeer two ewe & yur peepulz noodle ♥♥♥ ; sneekin round blog land two day iz gettin tuffer bye de minit… sew we wanted ta say hope de new yeer bringz everee one lotz oh happee nezz & health & perch samichez ~~ !!! ♥♥♥ ☺☺☺

  21. Happy MEW Year to you Noodle an yur crew!!!!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~
