IT'S NOODLE! A cat's point of view on politics. Politics is like a litter box! If you don't sift through the crap on a constant basis, it starts to stink...
Get me TUNA Now!!!!Have a wonderful Wednesday Noodles.Best wishes Molly
Again with the Justin Bieber!
We don't know, but that sure is a terrific expression! LOL.
The kitten bowl is coming!Sue B
Noodle looks like he just heard the word "VET!"
Get me TUNA Now!!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful Wednesday Noodles.
Best wishes Molly
Again with the Justin Bieber!
We don't know, but that sure is a terrific expression! LOL.
ReplyDeleteThe kitten bowl is coming!
ReplyDeleteSue B
Noodle looks like he just heard the word "VET!"