Friday, June 26, 2015

                               The Power Of Grace...


There are some things that transcend politics, religion and all the other things that divide us these days...
If you did not watch President Obama's eulogy for Reverend Pinckney in South Carolina today you should watch this video. Whether you voted for him or not, whether you agree with him or not this is something bigger than those me, watch the video.

We are also including our favorite version of Amazing Grace; featuring Judy Collins and the Boys Choir of Harlem, enjoy.

Have a graceful weekend...

Noodle and crew

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

                        WORDLESS WEDNESDAY...

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Noodle and crew

Saturday, June 20, 2015

                    Something to think about this weekend...

We have to decide who we are as a nation as we move forward. Is this the new "normal?"Is that who we are now? We can debate from now till dooms day about the right to bear arms and the second amendment and on and on and on...In the mean time people, children are dying. Mothers and fathers and wives and sisters and aunts are crying for their loved ones.

We are the only civilized nation to have this many gun deaths and guns, by far. We are literally exterminating ourselves in the name of righteousness.

Yes we have the right to own a gun as many as we want and as big as we want we also have the right to set our house on fire and to eat dirt and to smoke 20 packs of cigarettes a day and to cut off our arms or legs...just because you can do something doesn't mean it's the best or right thing to do. Just because you can own an AK47 doesn't mean you should.

I think it speaks volumes about our country and our perception of freedom that this is the position of a board member of the NRA after the deaths in South Carolina;

Like I said at the this who we really want to be?

Our hearts and prayers go out to the people of South Carolina in this time of such great sadness and loss.

Have a peaceful and safe weekend...

Noodle and crew

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

                           WORDLESS WEDNESDAY... 

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Noodle and crew

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

                             WORDLESS WEDNESDAY...
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Noodle and crew

Saturday, June 6, 2015

                     Between The Shadows And The Light...


First we want to extend our condolences to the Biden family on the loss of their son Beau. Our thoughts and prayers are with you...

Secondly, we would like to say to Senator Ted Cruz ; for someone who professes to be "Christian"
your words and actions speak volumes about who you really are...

No matter what your political affiliation, if you watch nothing else...please for the sake of democracy watch this;

Just remember no one wins if the system is rigged!

And lastly, three cheers to Bernie Sanders for showing us all that sometimes you just need a little faith. We will be watching his campaign and cheering him on, GO BERNIE!

Have a super weekend!

Noodle and crew

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

                              Another Wordless Wednesday...

                     (Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses...or the carnations.)
Have a truly wonderful Wednesday!
Noodle and crew

Monday, June 1, 2015

We want to give a great big Fuzzy Hug to Blog Paws!
Even though we were not able to attend the conference this year...we think they are super duper for putting it on each year.
We hope everyone had a great time and learned lots and lots...

In the mean time we took a little nap...

Welcome back from Nashville!

Noodle and crew