Saturday, March 30, 2024

the good book?


Donald Trump is selling bibles. and according to the press he's doing it on Holy Week. 

I don't know that there is anything else to say!

Hés done this. before you know...

Hes also and more horrifyingly compared himself to Jesus.


Anyway, we think you should keep an eye on Nikki Halley we don't think she's out of the picture just yet.

And speaking of the Bible, have you noticed the Exodus of republicans from congress?  

So, that's where we are...

Have a super wonderful Easter Sunday...

Noodle and crew.

Saturday, March 23, 2024



I hadn't thought about him for months.

But during the Spring and Summer the windows tended to be open we'd hear him every night just at dusk.

One minute of thumpity like music.

Always the same melody, always the same duration of time.

Then the Fall and Winter took over and there was the wind and the rain 

the closing of the windows making it hard to hear anything outside.

But, in the last week it had been unseasonably warm (but there is no such thing as climate change!) 

So, the windows were open a smidge. 

I was sitting on the windowsill, watching the world go by when all of a sudden, I heard it.

It had completely slipped my mind in the following months but now there it was.

I listened the next day...

and there he was again!

The guy playing it had been something called a fighter piolet. During something called the Korean War 

in something called the Army.

That's, where he had learned to play Taps. 

You know me...

I had to investigate Taps 

Isn't it amazing how 24 perfect little notes can dramatically affect someone's life?

life, death

joy, pain,

hope, despair.

9 days later I was sitting in the window and heard him.

Then I heard another person yell " thank you "

I wasn't sure why but I felt all warm and fuzzy inside.

After all this, I remembered something Joe Biden said in his State Of The Union address,

he said, "You can't only love your country when you win!")

It's something we seem to have forgotten.

Something so basic and so honorable.

We have become so divided and so self-serving and spoiled.

We don't vote but we wine and cry and bi*** and moan that things are a mess.

We can do better!

So, we would like to yell too.

We would like to yell " thank you" to the thumpity guy and the guy who thanked him and to all of 

those who vote and get involved.

Thank you for reminding us of who we can be.

Have a great Sunday.

Noodle and crew...


Saturday, March 16, 2024

3 no Trump...


Okay...I've never played Bridge in my life; but I just couldn't resist.

Here is a nightmare sicario for you...

Donald Trump, presidential nominee

Eric Trump, potential Vice President.

Lara Trump RNC co-chair 

Oh, wait that's no nightmare, that's real life!


Have a super Sunday...!

Noodle and crew!

Sunday, March 10, 2024

You go Joe!


The best state of the union address we've ever heard! 

Have a great Sunday!!!

Noodle and crew.