Wednesday, November 30, 2016

This Wednesday We Introduce Noodle Nuggets...

Noodle Nuggets are little nuggets of wisdom brought to you by Noodle and her crew.

                                           Nugget # 27;

         When life gets you down...close your eyes and take a nap.


Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Noodle and crew

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Can you see me now?

For the second year Only Natural Pet is partnering with BlogPaws Be The Change For Pets for the holiday season. Together, they want to make life a little better for the 7.6 million pets who enter shelters across the United States every year.

For every purchase of a toy, treat, bed or accessory, Only Natural Pet will donate 5 percent of the purchase value to pets in need. JOIN them in sharing the #IMAGINE5 Campaign - on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or post to any social media. Then register your local shelter to be one of FIVE grand prize winners!

We are nominating  FRIENDS OF THE ANIMALS FOUNDATION  which  just happens to be where I came from!

So please go over to Only Natural Pet and pick out some holiday gifts and when you do you will be helping shelter pets at the same time!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Noodle and crew

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Gobble, gobble, gobble...

It's almost Thanksgiving!

It's that time of year we reflect on our humble little lives and give thanks for all the things we hold near and dear to our hearts.
We eat too much and watch a lot of sporty type games. We argue with Uncle Harold about politics and religion and then we all settle back for a huge dinner topped with a piece or two of Aunt Lucy's yummy pumpkin pie.
Then as we sit around all bloated and asking ourselves why on earth we ate so much...
we talk about why Stewart isn't married yet and why Gwen hasn't gotten that promotion and why Marge is such a bi*ch.

At the end of the evening we go about gathering up our coats and hats as we head for the door on our long way home. We curse the traffic and the weather and swear that next year we will make some excuse not to join in the festivities and vow to join a gym.

But here's the matter how much we whine and moan about it all, there is something about this time of year that makes us better people. If only for a few weeks.

We smile a little easier, we give a little more to others and for all intents and purposes we are a little happier with the world in general.
For those few weeks we see the better part of people and we are better people and the world is a better place.

Wouldn't it be great if this year we could manage to make it last a little bit longer than for those few weeks in November and December...wouldn't that be something?

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Noodle and crew

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Something different Saturday...


We wanted to step away from politics for a minute.
So here's something completely different.                    
We thought we'd put a little travel montage together for you...

                                   Earth; A trilogy...

Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

Bangkok, Thailand

New Mexico ( USA ) 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Noodle and crew

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

It starts with one pin...

In the wake of the BREXIT vote in the United Kingdom, people took to wearing a safety pin to show their solidarity with refugees and that without a word people could see their safety pin and know that you were a friendly face and that they were 'safe' with you.

Now it seems to be time to wear a safety pin here if you would like to show your solidarity with
anyone who feels threatened, scared or uncertain about their place in this country.

Find yourself a safety pin and wear it proudly to let people know that you are a friendly face.

That they are safe with you and you stand by them.

                           It all starts with a single pin...

And then a few more...

                          Pretty soon they start to add up...

Become part of the movement...

Others have...

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Noodle and crew

Friday, November 11, 2016

With Great Power...

In the movie Spiderman, Uncle Ben tells Peter Parker "with great power comes great responsibility".
Then there is the Big Bang version.
Truer words have never been spoken, especially as they pertain to our new President elect.

We can only hope that Donald Trump and those with which he surrounds himself heed these words.

Have a wonderful weekend...

Noodle and crew

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Walk On...

There are many who are stunned and shocked today.

As we try to rationalize and understand what our country is going to be in the wake of this election what we know for certain is that we MUST work together to try to heal the deep divisions that exist and to face the coming challenges for the sake of us all.

And with that we give you this 

Noodle and crew

Friday, November 4, 2016

Our last words until after November 8th...

I know.

We said we were done till after the election.

If this weren't so good we wouldn't have bothered's that good!


We just want to say...

Please vote on November 8th (or before).

Noodle and crew

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wordless Wednesday...


Have a wonderful Wednesday...

Noodle and crew