Yes, this presidents policies, how we are treating asylum seekers and what is happening at the border is atrocious.
Yes there is the Mueller investigation.
Not to mention doing something about voter suppression.
Yes there needs to be investigations into business ties between our president and foreign powers.
Yes, Saudi Arabia needs to be held accountable for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi
Yes, there needs to be investigations into obstruction and collusion and the Emoluments Clause and so much more that it boggles the mind.
And they are all important and very significant

(Photo by; © Carlo Allegri/Reuters)
Let's not forget;
We have a homeless crisis in this country.
We have an opioid epidemic in this country.
We have a gun crisis in this country.
We have a poverty problem in this country.
We have an out dated, broken infrastructure in this country.
We have escalating health care prices in this country.
We have not fixed Flint Michigan.
We have not fixed Puerto Rico
The list goes on and it's long!
Let's hope this next congress can at least attempt to fix some of what's broken as it investigates this administration.
Have a wonderful Wednesday...
Noodle and crew