With the ousting/ resignation of yet another key figure in the administration,
Mr. Trump has seen fit to install another one of his totally unqualified
best people to take over the entire
intelligence agency.
You know, all those pesky little people that the president doesn't like and doesn't believe because they are a part of
The Deep State.
It reminded me of something I read awhile ago written by
Ben Wittes;
First he came for Jim Comey,
and I said nothing because I was mad a Jim Comey because of the Clinton e-mail investigation and I blamed him for trumps election.
Then he came for Andrew McCabe and I said nothing because there was this
inspector general report
that said McCabe lacked candor.
Then he came for James Baker and I said nothing because I had never really heard of Jim Baker and the FBI director is entitled to his own leadership team anyway.
The he came for Lisa Page and Peter Strzok and I said nothing because they sent text messages and the president and Fox News kept reminding me that they had an affair.
Then they came for Bruce Ohr and I said nothing because that one was so deep in the weeds that it made my head hurt and maybe Bruce Ohr shouldn't have been doing what he was doing anyway.
Then they came for Jeff Sessions and I said nothing because sh*t, it was Jeff Fu**ing Sessions and it actually took Donald Trump to discover the one or two honorable bones in his body!
Then he came after
Sir Kim Darroch and I said nothing because he's a British government official and I have no dog in a fight over how UK staffs its embassies.
Then he came after Masha Yovanovich and I said nothing because ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the president. And he can remove ambassadors for any reason or no reason at all.
Then he came for Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and his brother Evengy Vindman, and I said nothing because I was used to it...
And now say "goodbye" to Joseph Maguire and "hello" to
Richard Grenell.
I wonder who's next????
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Noodle and crew
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The Cat On My Head blog hop.