Saturday, August 31, 2024

The handwritten word....

Handwriting is an art.

It is becoming a lost art.

When was the last time you received a handwritten letter?

That sensation of carefully opening an envelope addressed to you.

What kind of stamp was used to send it?

Unfolding the paper inside.

Perhaps it's parchment or pale blue with the faint scent of the person who composed it.

Letters from a grandmother.

A daughter or son.

Letters from someone stationed somewhere far away in the military.

A love letter stained with tears.

Lipstick kisses on the back of an envelope.

Little hearts or o's, to dot the is.

Along with a hand written letter come clues of the personality of the person who sent it.

Our handwriting reveals a lot about who we are.

Are the letters cursive or block print?

The depth of the impression left by the pen can tell you the persons mood while writing.

We can't tell any of these things in e-mails or texts.

Yes, now we can Skype and email and text and that's all great!

Instant communication has definite advantages.

But perhaps we should not be in such a hurry to forget the power of handwritten letters delivered

through the least while the mail still exists.

A hand written letter can be a powerful thing.

So grab a pen and some paper, write a letter.

If you're feeling really bold write one to your Senator or your congressman, you can even write one to Donald Trump (although, I hear he doesn't read much).

Write someone a letter.

Even if you never send it.

Have a wonderful weekend!

     Noodle and crew

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A different kind of Wednesday...



What is left is a faded blue puppy given to him by a volunteer on one of his too frequent stays in the hospital, several small wooden trucks, a Snoopy pillow case and boxes of photographs.

Over the years you wait for the pain go away but it never does.

It just changes.

It shifts from day to day and year to year and becomes something different, sometimes better sometimes worse.

And you manage to get through the least most of the time.

You hold on tight and breath and even though you are not the most religious person in the world, you pray a lot.

And if you are very lucky you make it through to the moments when you remember things without the pain and you smile...and then you cry again and that's okay.

For Brandon

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Trump sandwich...


We wanted to share...

Special sandwich...

Have a super Sunday...

Noodle and crew!

ps. We are joining The Cat on My Head blog hop!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Saturday, August 10, 2024

a timely tale...


We think this is apropos right now...

Many are familiar with the story of the Pied Piper Of Hamelin. Few realize however that the story is based on actual events.

For those unfamiliar with the tale it is set in 1284 in the town of Hamelin, Lower Saxony, Germany.
The town was facing a rat infestation and a piper dressed in a coat of many colors appeared. This piper promised to rid the town of the rats in return for payment to which the towns people agreed. Although the piper got rid of the rats, the people of Hamelin reneged on their promise to pay him.
The furious piper left, vowing revenge.

On July 26th of that year, the piper returned and this time led the towns children away, never to be seen again.

Never the less one or two of the children were left behind, depending on which version of the story you hear, one of them was lame, one was blind, and one simply could not hear the music.

The earliest known record of this story is from the town of Hamelin itself depicted in a stained glass window created for the church of Hamelin which dates to around 1300AD. Although it was destroyed in 1660, several written accounts have survived. The oldest of which states that in the year 1284 on the day of Saints Paul and John, on July 26th a piper clothed in many colors, 130 born of Hamelin were seduced and lost at a place of execution near the Koppen.
The supposed street where the children were last seen is today called Bungelosenstrasse (street without drums), as no one is allowed to play music or dance there.

It is said that the rats were absent from earlier accounts of the story and were only added in the mid 16th century but sources do not speak of a plague of rats.
If the children's disappearance was not the case of revenge then what was the cause?
There have been numerous theories to explain what happened...

One theory suggests that the children died of natural causes and that the piper was the personification of death.
By associating the rats with The Black Death it suggests that the children were taken by the plague, yet the plague was most server in Europe between 1348 and 1350 more than half a century after the events in Hamelin.

Another theory is that the children were sent away by their parents due to extreme poverty and ended up in modern day Romania. While yet a third and darker theory is that the piped piper was actually a pedophile who crept into the town and abducted the children as they slept.

Many people have followed certain politicians to the ends of the earth no matter the outcome.

Something to keep in mind as we go to the polls!

Noodle and crew

You can check out more on the historical aspects of the story at;

We are joining The Cat on My Head blog hop tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Saturday, August 3, 2024



Question of the day...

Who will be the VP pick?


Noodle and crew

Thursday, August 1, 2024



Well ...

We've got Project 2025

A new democratic nominee.

We've got unbelievable polls

We've got people who are still not interested in even voting!

We are on a precipice...

What will it take to wake us up?

It's a scary thought, no?


Noodle and crew