Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hey kids it's time for; Sticky Paws and Hair Balls vs. Kitty Kisses and Fuzzy Hugs, meow...

Like every kitty on the block, I just love treats! So, today I'd like to introduce you to a brand of really healthy while at the same time tasty treats! So without further ado a big fuzzy hug to REDMOON
PET FOODS, check them out at; http://www.redmoonpetfood.com 
Here's a couple of great cat quotes; " No matter how much cats fight, there always seems to be plenty of kittens" -Abraham Lincoln-

 A dog thinks, " They feed me , they shelter me, they love me, they must be gods". A cat thinks... "They feed me, they shelter me, they love me, I must be a god". - Anonymous-

And now...

A great big sticky paw to retirement and to getting older...
Did you know that 41.3 million Americans in 2011 were 65 or older? Did you know that 50% of those 65+ live on less than $ 18,820.00 a year! Did you know that the median savings for 65+ households is only $45,000.00... Ahhh, the golden years...

A big fuzzy hug to Misty Copeland, of the American Ballet...If you want a role model with spunk and dedication among other things check her out!
Believe it or not she started ballet lessons at thirteen! That's old in the world of ballet; http://www.abt.org/dancers/detail.asp?Dancer_ID=56

A big kitty kiss to Democrats who plan to run ads to challenge the Koch Brothers and their influence on politics and legislation; http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/22/us/politics/democrats-plan-big-ad-campaign-in-challenge-to-koch-brothers.html?hpw&rref=politics&_r=0

A big hair ball to Paul Ryan for his rhetoric about poverty. Seriously what does Paul Ryan know about poverty?!

A big fuzzy hug to Charity Water; check out this great charity that brings clean drinking water to people around the world; http://www.charitywater.org

Oh, so many sticky paws to Ted Nuggent for oh soooo many reasons: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/21/ted-nugent-appearance-canceled_n_5009248.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl14%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D456653

And of course...
Jimmy Fallon with Billy Joel; http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/21/jimmy-fallon-billy-joel-sing_n_5004968.html

Happy Tuesday!

Noodle and crew


  1. Have a wonderful Wednesday Noodle and loved the quotes today.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. it's true, though! Cats are gods. Dogs are kind of gods, except backwards... ;) - Crepes.

  3. happee twoozday ona wednesday noodle N if itz bout checkin out treetz...we R ther !!!

  4. My husband is 64, I am 58...........we have zip.........it's paycheck to paycheck for us my friend! Oh wait! Those aren't even paychecks! lol

  5. Hmmm.... I quite like that quote by Abraham Lincoln. I might even know the answer. You know that guy... that guy named Mr. Anonymous Spam? Well, he's always tryin' to sell cats like us Viagara. Maybe that's why there are always kittens? Thank goodness I've been neutered!

