Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Weekend Is Here It's Sunday and You Know What That Means...
it's time for sticky paws and hairballs vs. kitty kisses and fuzzy hugs!

First up; an enormous hairball the makers of Bullet Proof Blankets designed to help kids stay safe in a school shooting, Although it might be that there intentions were good, is this going to be the future of our schools?
A really big sticky paw to CNN for taking it upon themselves to decide which school shootings count and which don't; See the map of all 74;

A big fuzzy hug to Stephen Colbert for taking on Amazon;

On a lighter note; Here are some of the best food quotes from Seinfeld;

And last but not least our favorite video this week, check out what The Daily Show thinks of Google Glass;

But the biggest news is that tomorrow June 16th is Noodle Day! Which I declared it to be last year at this time... why? Because it was June 16th that I was adopted!
So, have a happy Noodle day and go out and adopt a kitty or doggy or two or three! After all it is adopt a shelter animal month...

Have a great Sunday!

Noodle and crew


  1. Lots of sticky going on today Noodle. We do think those glassholes are kind of funny though. Have a great Easy Sunday!

  2. Have an Easy Sunday, Noodle! We think it's pawsome that there's a Noodle Day! ;)

  3. Happy Farther's day to your daddy Noodle and have a lovely serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Happy Noodle (Gotcha) Day! You're pawsome.

  5. happy gotcha day, Noodle!!!!! Love, Crepes.

  6. a veree happee gotcha day two ewe noodle...heerz two a grate noodle day; best fishes N mice creem dishes the hole day thru; hope yur gonna get sum cat grazz, treetz, flounder, trout & mackerull outta two day....& health & happeenezz de yeer long ♥♥♥♥♥

  7. Hey, Happy Gotcha Day, Noodle. Didja know today's my birthday, too? A double celebration! ~Wally

  8. The Google glass video was funny. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Oh, PS, we forgot to wish you a Happy Noodle Day!
