It's time for sticky paws and hairballs vs. kitty kisses and fuzzy hugs!
First things first! Vote for me...
just click on the link and cast your vote... thanks!
Next, I need to give a sticky paw to myself.. yep you heard me right. I did a post
where I gave a sticky paw to Garden and Gun magazine . One of our readers pointed out that I probably had never read the magazine. I hadn't and that was bad reporting on my part. So as you can see by the photo, I went out and got a copy and paged through it and guess what... I really like this magazine! And by the way, not a gun in sight... It's really well done, articulate and well written with beautiful images. This was the
Southern Food issue with lots of great recipes...
A big fuzzy hug to for calling me to the carpet and being the reason I went back and really took a look at a really good magazine...I just wish it had a different name.
Next a big hairball to the ever controversial Urban Outfitters; they have sunk to a really trashy attention grabing place. After several marketing campaigns that they have had pull due to controversy it seems they still have not learned;
That brings us to Bobby Jindal who gets a hairball for being one of those, "science isn't a fact, it's more of a theory kind of thing" guys;
Next up; A great big fuzzy hug to Nancy Pelosi's reaction to Ted Cruz's statement;
Lastly we want to update you on a story we brought you a while ago about a video made in Iran with Iranians dancing to the
happy song. Here is the original video if you missed it;
Now the Iranian government has taken steps against the dancers. Check it out;
Update on the update!!!!!
The sentence was suspended!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Noodle and crew
PS. please vote...