Friday, October 31, 2014
A Few Fun And Interesting Things For The Weekend...
In 1982 Louis Comuti, the first feline veterinarian, reported an incident; an elderly widow wanted to be buried with her cat. When the cat passed away, she had it buried in a pet cemetery where it would lie until her own death. Unfortunately she soon found out that it violated health regulations for the cat to be buried with her. Not to be deterred the woman had the cat cremated and its ashes where sewn into the hem of her wedding dress in which she was ultimately was buried.
This week on Meet The Press; an interesting video of " what kids would sound like if they talked like politicians";
Next check out the floating cat sanctuary in Amsterdam ;
Did you know that people are selling their imaginary friends on e bay?
And lastly we want to give a big Noodle hug to Blue Marble Ice Cream. Made in Brooklyn, New York not only did Alexis and Jennie start this great sweet treat business but they took it a step further and started a non-profit to help women in Rwanda and soon in Haiti by helping to open ice cream shops in both countries! We love this idea and we love them for putting a wonderful dream into reality. Check out the ice cream and donate to the cause! and
Have a fun and wonderful weekend!
Noodle and crew
Friday, October 24, 2014
Update to our post...
As some of you may know by now we have had another school shooting in our area today;
Our hearts go out to all those affected by this tragedy. In hindsight it seems as though we picked a good day to try to make people smile a little...
Something's for the weekend we thought you might enjoy!
OK, the world seems all topsey turvey right we found a few things we hope will make you smile;
First up is a video put together by John Oliver and comp. It is doggie Supreme Court. You have to take a look at this! It is set up so that you can run your very own audio and make the justices say whatever you like;
Next, here is what happened when President Obama went to vote. You never know who you will run in to;
And lastly; music!
Have a great weekend!
Noodle and crew
As some of you may know by now we have had another school shooting in our area today;
Our hearts go out to all those affected by this tragedy. In hindsight it seems as though we picked a good day to try to make people smile a little...
Something's for the weekend we thought you might enjoy!
OK, the world seems all topsey turvey right we found a few things we hope will make you smile;
First up is a video put together by John Oliver and comp. It is doggie Supreme Court. You have to take a look at this! It is set up so that you can run your very own audio and make the justices say whatever you like;
Next, here is what happened when President Obama went to vote. You never know who you will run in to;
And lastly; music!
Have a great weekend!
Noodle and crew
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
We Love You Canada!
We are taking the unusual step of a second post today. We here at Noodle's blog want to take this opportunity to express our deep sorrow to the citizens of Canada. Today's attack was the second one in a week. We at Noodle's blog feel very close to Canada and always have. We live in Seattle and are about 3 hours away from Canada by car. When I was growing up, my grandmother would wrangle all the grandkids onto a ferry every summer and take us all to Victoria for the was the coolest thing we got to do!
We just wanted to say "we love you Canada" and all of the wonderful people who live there!
We are sending you lots and lots of Noodle hugs and kisses...
All our love,
Noodle and crew
We are taking the unusual step of a second post today. We here at Noodle's blog want to take this opportunity to express our deep sorrow to the citizens of Canada. Today's attack was the second one in a week. We at Noodle's blog feel very close to Canada and always have. We live in Seattle and are about 3 hours away from Canada by car. When I was growing up, my grandmother would wrangle all the grandkids onto a ferry every summer and take us all to Victoria for the was the coolest thing we got to do!
We just wanted to say "we love you Canada" and all of the wonderful people who live there!
We are sending you lots and lots of Noodle hugs and kisses...
All our love,
Noodle and crew
This Wednesday is Noodle's First " Kitties On Parade!"
We have been fortunate in getting to meet some new feline friends lately...we decided that it might be nice to introduce them to our blog friends!
First up is Squish. Squish is one of two resident cats at Next To Nature a great independent pet store in our area...
Next up is Miss Skittles who belongs to our helpful neighborhood QFC checker outer;

Next we have two little kitties whoare were up for adoption at the afore mentioned Next To Nature through Friends Of Animals Foundation .We are happy to report that they now have new families since this weekend!

We have been fortunate in getting to meet some new feline friends lately...we decided that it might be nice to introduce them to our blog friends!
First up is Squish. Squish is one of two resident cats at Next To Nature a great independent pet store in our area...
Next up is Miss Skittles who belongs to our helpful neighborhood QFC checker outer;

Next we have two little kitties who
And of course ME!
Well that's it for now...we will be back with newsy stuff later in the week.
Have a great Wednesday!
Noodle and crew
Friday, October 17, 2014
Once again it's time for sticky paws and hairballs vs. kitty kisses and fuzzy hugs...
OK, this is something I never thought I'd say but a big fuzzy hug to Bill O' Reilly of Fox news! We are big enough that we can give credit where credit is due and so we are giving Bill O' Reilly an "atta boy" for sort of admitting that there is such a thing as white privilege and that it does indeed exist still today... frankly we didn't think he had it in him...I'm pleased to admit we were wrong! Check it out;
A big sticky paw to state senator Stacey Campfield of Tennessee for mocking a journalist after the reporter was laid off;
Once again we give a sticky paw to congress and politics in general for the pure theater of what politics has become...don't believe me? check out this video on the Daily Show about some of the candidates running in this years midterms;
A big fuzzy hug to the Halloween staple that everyone can relate to...candy corn! Here are 10 things you might not know about the iconic sweet;
A big kitty kiss to this little guy for trying soooo hard!
And lastly... we are asking everyone to click on this link and sign the petition for common sense gun legislation of background checks in all 50 states; a big kitty kiss to all that do!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Noodle and crew
OK, this is something I never thought I'd say but a big fuzzy hug to Bill O' Reilly of Fox news! We are big enough that we can give credit where credit is due and so we are giving Bill O' Reilly an "atta boy" for sort of admitting that there is such a thing as white privilege and that it does indeed exist still today... frankly we didn't think he had it in him...I'm pleased to admit we were wrong! Check it out;
A big sticky paw to state senator Stacey Campfield of Tennessee for mocking a journalist after the reporter was laid off;
Once again we give a sticky paw to congress and politics in general for the pure theater of what politics has become...don't believe me? check out this video on the Daily Show about some of the candidates running in this years midterms;
A big fuzzy hug to the Halloween staple that everyone can relate to...candy corn! Here are 10 things you might not know about the iconic sweet;
A big kitty kiss to this little guy for trying soooo hard!
And lastly... we are asking everyone to click on this link and sign the petition for common sense gun legislation of background checks in all 50 states; a big kitty kiss to all that do!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Noodle and crew
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
We're doing something a little different this Wednesday...
After looking around, it seems as though the world is going through some pretty rough times... what with Ebola, Isis, multiple wars, poverty... you get the idea. We decided that everyone needed a little something uplifting. Now please understand we are not very religious or affiliated with any particular religion...that being said it is my belief that angels are for everybody! And so we would like to share with you something a little angelic...
Have a heavenly Wednesday!
Noodle and crew
After looking around, it seems as though the world is going through some pretty rough times... what with Ebola, Isis, multiple wars, poverty... you get the idea. We decided that everyone needed a little something uplifting. Now please understand we are not very religious or affiliated with any particular religion...that being said it is my belief that angels are for everybody! And so we would like to share with you something a little angelic...
Have a heavenly Wednesday!
Noodle and crew
Friday, October 10, 2014
It's that time again...time for sticky paws and hairballs vs. fuzzy hugs and kitty kisses!
A big fuzzy hug to Statistics! We have them about and for everything! But would it surprise you to know that there is nowhere to be found on the internet machine (or anywhere else for that matter) some type of national data base for the number of police shootings of citizens? Hummmmm;
A big sticky paw to the laziness of The Supreme Court. Have you ever heard of an amicus brief? Well you may want to take a minute to watch this video...Seems the Supreme Court is putting a lot of stock these days in amicus briefs which should concern us all ALOT!
A very large hairball to Congress ( they are racking them up aren't they?) Did you know that this bill has been stalled in Congress for quite sometime. Check out the Water For The World Act;
This is a Noodle Blog first!!!!!!!!!
A fuzzy hug AND a sticky paw both at the same time to VP Joe Biden.
1st... the fuzzy hug for our love of the one man in Washington politics who isn't afraid to speak his mind.
2nd... the sticky paw for saying those things out loud when there are times when he should probably say them in his head first.
But we are taking back the sticky paw because all in all we just love Joe Biden! He's the real deal and that's just really rare...
And a sticky paw to the CEO of Micro Soft for his remarks to a women's group no less!
And last but unfortunately not least...a harry hairball to Sarah Palin and family. Oh I know, all families have issues but really?;
Have a great weekend!
Noodle and crew
A big sticky paw to the laziness of The Supreme Court. Have you ever heard of an amicus brief? Well you may want to take a minute to watch this video...Seems the Supreme Court is putting a lot of stock these days in amicus briefs which should concern us all ALOT!
A very large hairball to Congress ( they are racking them up aren't they?) Did you know that this bill has been stalled in Congress for quite sometime. Check out the Water For The World Act;
This is a Noodle Blog first!!!!!!!!!
A fuzzy hug AND a sticky paw both at the same time to VP Joe Biden.
1st... the fuzzy hug for our love of the one man in Washington politics who isn't afraid to speak his mind.
2nd... the sticky paw for saying those things out loud when there are times when he should probably say them in his head first.
But we are taking back the sticky paw because all in all we just love Joe Biden! He's the real deal and that's just really rare...
And a sticky paw to the CEO of Micro Soft for his remarks to a women's group no less!
And last but unfortunately not least...a harry hairball to Sarah Palin and family. Oh I know, all families have issues but really?;
Have a great weekend!
Noodle and crew
Friday, October 3, 2014
It's time for sticky paws and hairballs vs. fuzzy hugs and kitty kisses...
A big fuzzy hug and kitty kiss to the first anniversary of the Affordable Care Act! The world is still spinning and has not come to an end.
A big stinky sticky paw to the Secret Service! Shame, shame, shame!
A great big fuzzy hug to Linda Tirado for teaching us about poverty... have you ever stopped to think about how fragile our lives are and how it might only take a couple of unexpected circumstances in any one of our lives for any of us to end up homeless or in poverty? This essay went viral! Take a moment to give it a read;
Next a really big hairball to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who seems to think he knows everything about everything he even seems to think he can speak for God. Look, I don't care who you are or what your politics or religious affiliation please people stop speaking FOR God and Jesus and any other religious deity. Let them speak for themselves if and when they choose to!
A big fuzzy hug to John Stewart and The Daily Show for this great video piece on the debate over the name of Washington's football team;
Next up a big kitty kiss to nature! Just check this out...
And finally; speaking of sticky paws... check out this video of dogs eating peanut butter;
And last but not least a HUGE sticky paw to our new neighbor downstairs for playing his music so loud I can literally hear what song he's playing while trying to write this!
Have a great weekend!
Noodle and crew
A big fuzzy hug and kitty kiss to the first anniversary of the Affordable Care Act! The world is still spinning and has not come to an end.
A big stinky sticky paw to the Secret Service! Shame, shame, shame!
A great big fuzzy hug to Linda Tirado for teaching us about poverty... have you ever stopped to think about how fragile our lives are and how it might only take a couple of unexpected circumstances in any one of our lives for any of us to end up homeless or in poverty? This essay went viral! Take a moment to give it a read;
Next a really big hairball to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who seems to think he knows everything about everything he even seems to think he can speak for God. Look, I don't care who you are or what your politics or religious affiliation please people stop speaking FOR God and Jesus and any other religious deity. Let them speak for themselves if and when they choose to!
A big fuzzy hug to John Stewart and The Daily Show for this great video piece on the debate over the name of Washington's football team;
Next up a big kitty kiss to nature! Just check this out...
And finally; speaking of sticky paws... check out this video of dogs eating peanut butter;
And last but not least a HUGE sticky paw to our new neighbor downstairs for playing his music so loud I can literally hear what song he's playing while trying to write this!
Have a great weekend!
Noodle and crew
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Wordless Wednesday...
Wow, update!!!!
The human was sitting here doing the blog and whoosh the power just went out!
She did some research ( went outside ) and eventually found out why. Seems a garbage truck ran into a power line and took out 4,300 household's electricity... and so she finished this post at Caffé Ladro ; and chatted away the time with the nice barista named Kathryn.
On the internet machine the website for the neighborhood said 90 percent of the residences would have their power back within an hour BUT the other 10 percent might have to wait up to seven hours! Ever the pessimist the human figured we would be one of the later... happily she was wrong! An hour later we have our power back (whew!) So, thank you to Caffé Ladro and Kathryn.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Noodle and crew
Wow, update!!!!
The human was sitting here doing the blog and whoosh the power just went out!
She did some research ( went outside ) and eventually found out why. Seems a garbage truck ran into a power line and took out 4,300 household's electricity... and so she finished this post at Caffé Ladro ; and chatted away the time with the nice barista named Kathryn.
On the internet machine the website for the neighborhood said 90 percent of the residences would have their power back within an hour BUT the other 10 percent might have to wait up to seven hours! Ever the pessimist the human figured we would be one of the later... happily she was wrong! An hour later we have our power back (whew!) So, thank you to Caffé Ladro and Kathryn.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Noodle and crew
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