And now as promised, here is our take on the Democratic convention...
Well, were the Republicans seemed to be a lot of doom and gloom, the Democrats were much more up beat.
Singing the praises of America and looking toward its future with hope;
#1 There were messages of inclusion as opposed to division;
#2 And optimism as opposed to fear;
#3 One of the most poignant moments came when the father of a soldier killed in Iraq spoke;
simply speaking from his heart he delivered one of the most powerful moments I can remember in my lifetime.
#4 We do better together.
#5 No one wants to dismantle the second amendment.
#6 Trickle down economics HAS NOT WORKED so let's move on!
#7 There is nothing wrong with giving people a hand up not out.
Just remember someday it could be you...
#8 It got a little lost I think, but this is a real moment for women. Not just women, everyone.
#9 Although I haven't always agreed with his decisions, I will really miss this president.
I think down the road we will all come to see just how much he really did accomplish and how hard he worked for all of us.
If you really take a look at where we were when he came into office you have to admit we could have ended up in a much worse place if not for his actions; (ie; no more auto industry as opposed to their best year of sales ever)
#9 There is room for everyone in America and if we start selecting who can come here and who can't then we all lose.
#10 And finally, just like we said in our last post;

Have a super weekend....
Noodle and crew