I'm not a baseball fan.
I'm not a
Kevin Costner fan.
But I did see
Field Of Dreams when it came out.
I always thought the ending contained some of best advice you could ever hope to get in your life.
It's a profound and legitimate statement;
"if you build it, they will come."
I now pass this sage wisdom onto Nancey Pelosi.
You have to stop waiting for
public opinion to expand to include more who will be in favor of
Impeachment before you act.
It's up to you to lead the people, not the other way around.
Yes, even if it means losing the House.
Even if it means Mr. Trump gets a second term.
If you don't do what the constitution requires of you, you are setting a dangerous precedent.
One that says no one will ever be held accountable...ever, for anything
And, you will be doing exactly what you are condemning others for, so
"Do the right thing"
to quote
Spike Lee (we're on a movie theme roll here!")
If you go down that road, who knows where we will end up.
Do your constitutional duty without all the hand wringing and fretting.
Like they said in
Field Of Dreams, "if you build it they WILL come!".
Next up;
We would like to bring your attention to a really cool organization called, Post Cards To Voters.
We caught up with several of their volunteers in action at a local café,
C and P coffee
They are doing some terrific work in helping to get people to the polls.
Check out their
website to see if there is a group near you!
We are joining up with
The Cat On My Head blog hop!

Have a wonderful weekend...
Noodle and crew