Friday, July 26, 2019

If you build it, they will come...

I'm not a baseball fan.

I'm not a Kevin Costner fan.

But I did see Field Of Dreams when it came out.

I always thought the ending contained some of best advice you could ever hope to get in your life.

It's a profound and legitimate statement; "if you build it, they will come."

I now pass this sage wisdom onto Nancey Pelosi.

You have to stop waiting for public opinion to expand to include more who will be in favor of starting Impeachment before you act.

It's up to you to lead the people, not the other way around.

Yes, even if it means losing the House.

Even if it means Mr. Trump gets a second term.

If you don't do what the constitution requires of you, you are setting a dangerous precedent.

One that says no one will ever be held accountable...ever, for anything

And, you will be doing exactly what you are condemning others for, so "Do the right thing"
to quote Spike Lee (we're on a movie theme roll here!")

If you go down that road, who knows where we will end up.

Do your constitutional duty without all the hand wringing and fretting.

Like they said in Field Of Dreams, "if you build it they WILL come!".

Next up;

We would like to bring your attention to a really cool organization called, Post Cards To Voters.

We caught up with several of their volunteers in action at a local café, C and P coffee

They are doing some terrific work in helping to get people to the polls.

Check out their website to see if there is a group near you!

We are joining up with The Cat On My Head blog hop!

Have a wonderful weekend...

Noodle and crew


  1. Hari OM
    Well said Noodle - and the PCfV I was aware of because another blogpal of mine is active in this work, near Akron, Ohio. Groundswell. WTG! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Cool postcard group! Hey Noodle, we never trust a politician to do the right thing!

  3. Yup, I'm with you, Noodle, impeach those that dishonour the brave and the true, demean the value of kindness, and lie to those that count. The UK has a cabinet of politicians that reads like the rap sheet a prison block.
    Love the Otter cards, that is a cool idea and one I think the UK should do, too.

  4. That photo of you is amazing!

    We now have a Trump double in the UK. Trump and Boris - separated at birth? Mum and I are just so disappointed that Larry the Number 10 cat isn't our PM.

    Happy caturday!

  5. They're gonna pussy-foot around and do nothing.

  6. I will check out that group. XO

  7. What an amazing photo today Noodle! Politicians are a goofy lot, sometimes I just want to give them a good dose of common sense, but I don't think they could keep it down.

  8. Furry kewl photoe Noodle Cat...yore so photoegenick!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

  9. What useful group Noodle (even for an outside America person!). We all need to vote. We need to know how, or be able to ask for help to learn how to vote. It can seem a big responsibility but (especially for us women) voting really matters.

    Go for it Noodle!!!

  10. You have me thinking: if Dad would build me an outside catio then maybe there would be kitties in the neighborhood that would come to see it and want to join me in the catio for playtime. Tummy tickles.

  11. noodle thatz a grate eye dea....we will vote for an otter ;)

    round heer we haza sayin two... $hiTz ore get off de pot ☺☺☺☺

  12. That's a stunning picture of you, Noodle, looks like you doing a kind of sports anyway😺Pawkisses for a wonderful day to all of you🐾😽💞

  13. Pop had me and TW convinced that the "I" word would further divide the country and only support 45. We're not convinced anymore. He needs to go down and he needs to go down soon.
