Sunday, June 30, 2024

no, no, no...



Let's get rid of Joe Biden!

He caused a violent Inserection on January 6th!

No, no wait...that was the other guy.

He has 34, no wait...

that's the other guy...

He cheated on his wife with a porn star...nope, that was the other guy.

He caged children and separated families..nope, other guy too!

Tried to steal classified documents sh*t, other guy!

Convicted of sexual abuse...other guy

Umm  remind me why we are getting rid of Joe Biden...

Oh, ya...

Joe Biden wants to make immigrants fight like Roman gladiators to stay in the country!

Crap, that's the other guy too.

This could take a while...

Noodle and crew

1 comment:

  1. Lady says when she is doing election stuff, it is always, who is the best of the worst. Sometimes who is worse is much clearer than other times! Lee and Phod
