(Okay I'm staying right here until that man is gone!)
Republican Ben Sasse of Nebraska said "
I feel there is violence coming and it's doubtful Trump will be able to comfort the nation"
Last week there were
three mass shootings, two within 12 hours of each other and keeping true to
form, Donald Trump did
not comfort the nation.
Instead he stood in a hospital
bragging once again about his crowd size.
And here's the kicker, that statement by Mr. Sasse was made almost 2 years ago to this day!
Well. that's true why should you be.
Then there was Trumps rambling
"energy speech" where he blathered on about everything
but energy.
Not only was the speech disjointed and troubling. Turns out that his
audience was
literally a captive one!
But if that's not enough to frost your cupcakes, this week Mr. Trump intervened as usual and was the
cause of two dually elected members of the United States congress being banned from visiting a
foreign country.
One of them planning to visit her 90 year old grandmother...
Even if you disagree or flat out don't like representative's
Tlaib and Omar it should terrify anyone that this was
allowed to take place and that the president of the United Sates has taken it upon himself to decide
who can and can't travel where.
To decide what the media can and can't say.
To decide who can and can't apply for amnesty.
Is this really "
America first"?
The list grows longer every day.
Who's next?
Don't think it can't be you...
Have a wonderful weekend...
Noodle and crew
We are joining
The Cat On My Head blog hop!

( please excuse our wonky spacing, computer gremlins are afoot)