Sunday, November 1, 2020

Tick tock...

We just want to say, in the words of SNL; "on this Halloween let's gain an hour and lose a president!"


Have a wonderful weekend and we'll see you on the other side (of the election).

Noodle and crew

We are joining The cat On My Head blog hop!


  1. We are praying folk see beyond the bull and see the truth of jobs lost, the lives lost, the social gains lost, and polution gained across not just the now 'not so great' USA, but the world!
    Heres hoping folk dont act like lemmings and follow the light.

  2. letz say BYEDON to president Superspreader this week

  3. Oh you did make me laugh. You are so right and I dearly hope that the vote of the US people will allow a big change.

  4. The world is watching America with fear and hope at the same time. Purrs

  5. Four days later and we still don't know if we will "86 the 45th". I'm losinng my mind! So I took 4 hours away from the TV and played CDs on a the stereo so that I couldn't hear any news.

    Finally checked in on and nothing has changed. Fox News (of all networks) says Biden won Arizona, so if he wins ANY remaining State he is the new Prez. I can't decide whether to go hide in bed or stay up late and hope for good news from Nevada! MSNBC is being very cautious in predictions.

    Democracy hangs by threads...

    1. I don’t know how much longer I can hold my breath!
      We keep turning the tv off for several hours thinking that when we check in something will have moved.
      Thank God for Arizona.
      Come on Nevada…

      Fingers and toes crossed,

      Noodle and crew
