Saturday, May 20, 2023


How many guns will it take?

There have been 202 mass shootings so far this year
How many will it take before we actually DO something about it?

Will we ever bother to do anything?
Through the years we have done many posts about guns...
is anybody listening?


Noodle and crew

We are joining The Cat On My Head blog hop!


  1. Not the politicians who want that gun lobby money.

  2. Mee-yow! Noodle efurry time wee watch American Tee V channel an another mass shootin mee trembell inn feer. Wee due not understand how peepell can get gunss so easily an sick peepell two!
    An why does a "peecefull" society need gunss????
    While wee pondur that questshun; wee admire yore lovely Selfie..... ;)
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

  3. Makes me happy to be in Canada.
    There are still people with guns add rifles though :/
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Agreed! Not enough people against guns!

  5. I am listening, but sadly, I have no power to make changes. XO

  6. We need a good Plan B Noodle, humans aren't known for doing the right things.

  7. Noodle, every single shooting shocks the world, the precious 'let me have my gun' mentality has to stop. I read the Republicans want to increase to 20 the number at which mass shootings are counted (this helps reduce the number of reported shootings apparently).

    So many people - gone.
