Saturday, November 4, 2023

Bringing a spoon...


The situation is dire. 

MAGA republicans have abandon all aspects of civility. and responsibility to the constitution and the rule of law.

This is where we are!

Now democrats, moderate republicans and independents are still trying to govern like it should be. 

And that my friends is just like bringing a spoon to a knife fight.

Only the voters can stop this unbelievable insanity.

You know who you are and you know what needs doing.

P.S. But probably get yourself ready for a shut down. 

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Noodle and crew

We are joining The Cat On My Head blog hop!



  1. Cute selfie. Glad you are keeping warm. XO

  2. Yes, it's a mess Noodle. No real end in sight.

  3. Never give up Noodle. We can hope the idiocy will not go on, and the people who are usually too scared to vote, get brave.

    Marjorie and Toulouse
    Dash Kitten

  4. Wouldn't it be lovely if all the knives and spoons (and forks, too), could get along! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang.

  5. You look furry cosy, wrapped up in your blankie, Noodle.

  6. Such self-inflicted nonsensical chaos. If only the wayward side could see what asses they look and the damage they are doing. Paws crossed, you all, those who care, get through this together. and bring a better future for all.

  7. Wee wurried what will happen there Noodle Cat. Two much strife all over THE werld....
    Thanx fore yore adoorabell Selfie!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  8. BLUE. Go blue, top to bottom, inside out and sideways if you can.

  9. Hi Noodle, Aren't you a real cutie! Heaven knows your peeps need you to comfort them! My cat and I are Canadians, but look upon your plight with alarm. Perhaps if they would put Mr. T in prison where he belongs it might help if he's not constantly stirring things up. There's no dearth of evidence to legally justify it.
