Saturday, November 11, 2023

Crash 2.0...


Reason why there is going to be a crash.

1. Funding bill for EPA was 40 per cent short 

 that won't pass the Senate. 

2, Farm bill the SNAP program was gutted.

let millions of kids go hungry.

. Amtrack budget greatly reduced.

That won't pass the house.

4. financial services bill has 

 anti abortion divisive.  

 language in it.

and they pulled the bill in the house.

And there is sooooo much more but for right now we are going to wrap this up by saying.

They have also tried to diminish the salaries of the likes of Pete Buttigieg, to one dollar because they don't think he is doing his job

If they want to see those who aren't doing their job,

they should look in the mirror.

Have a great day

Noodle and crew



  1. Politicians are idiots, all of them. Elections do have consequences.

  2. The world is such a mess. Lee and Phod

  3. noodle....we wood like two wizh ewe N de crew a most happee, noe burd, all pie day on thurzday...N joy sum pizza :) ♥♥♥
