Saturday, April 13, 2024

Kitty kisses and sticky paws...



A big sticky paw to Donald Trump for filing 3 appeals in 3 days.

Next, a big hairball to the Gerald Ford Foundation for giving Liz Cheeney an award and then rescinding it due to Repub pressure.

A big kitty kiss to Nancy Pelosi for her wonderful statement " we came here to do a job not keep a job"

And a big sticky paw to Mike Johnson for meeting with Donald Trump at Mar a Lago to discuss "election integrity" Really!?

And lastly: A big fuzzy hug to bunnies:

In 1807 Napoleon was on a rabbit hunt to celebrate the signing of the treaty of Tilsit the rabbits were hungry and attacked the hunting party..

Have a great Sunday!

Noodle and crew   




  1. We love your selfie, and your "awards" were right on target! Bunnies are the best. They come nibble in our yard often. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  2. We love that story of the deadly bunnies (mol).

  3. we iz waiting impatiently fur himz to go down big time!! will be doin a happy danse here!!

  4. We are glad we have your handsome face to distract us from all this human mess . . . .Lee and Phod

  5. Hansum Noodle Cat!!! Love yore up close an purrsonal Selfie! Wee put 'sticky pawss' up with you an give *kitty kissses* to Miss Nancy (shee iss oen tuff lady!) an to Bunniess!!!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  6. Good for those bunnies! Those were really good awards Noodle, our part of the world has gone crazy!

  7. Adorable selfie! Good for those bunnies. I wish more animals could get even with humans!

  8. You look wonderful Noodle and YES we are cheering for the bunnies too.
